About Speechmatics
10 advantages of using voice technology for regulatory compliance
10000 sign ups
150 2
2021 review accomplishments in voice to text
2022: A year at Speechmatics
2022 reflections on the year for Speechmatics
3 critical advantages to securing the ISO27001 certification
3 influential benefits of language identification
3 reasons contact centers moving to voice to text
3 voice technology applications 2021
4 benefits of voice to text technology for media companies
4 challenges media companies face when adopting speech recognition technology
4 easy wins to improve your transcription tools
4 uses of speech recognition technology for media companies
5 advantages of an accuracy focused speech to text engine
5 easy steps to get started with Speechmatics
5 steps to ROI with speech to text
5 use cases for ASR in fintech
5 uses of speech recognition technology
5 value adds for using speech to text in contact center solutions
50 years of pride in the UK
6 voice to text features - the future
7 real world examples of voice recognition technology
A career in machine learning Q&A with Will Williams
A new starter software development engineer at Speechmatics
A team of Speechmatics volunteers help teach children to code at Cambridge Community Centre
Accelerating media monitoring solutions through better speech to text
Accent independent speech recognition
Accuracy ASR and automated captioning
Accuracy matters when using GPT4 and ChatGPT for downstream tasks
Accurate speech to text is AIs solution to vehicle safety
Achieving accessibility through incredible accuracy with Ursa
Achieving compliance in finance through best in class speech to text
Adventures in the long tail - where speech to text can be improved
Affirmation of allyship
AI machine learning actually mean
AI Summit 2021 inclusion in AI
Argo learn all about the kubernetes workflow engine
Automatic speech recognition for real world applications
Automatic speech text service without hassle
Be a responsible communicator and don't dismiss the why
Belief passion speech to text innovation
Benedikt loses beard - Addenbrookes charitable trust
Benefits voice technology corporate governance
Benefits voice technology media asset management
Big gap academic commercial speech recognition systems
Big tech companies recording conversations
Big Thinking
Bold awards 2022 speechmatics takes gold for boldest AI
Boosting sample efficiency through self supervised learning
Breaking the bias practical action in voice technology
Breakthrough AI bias inclusion
Broadcast bionics building future radio integrating transcription technology Speechmatics
Business planning uncertainty
Business weekly also likes speech technology business Speechmatics
Call center automation customer experience
Cambridge judge business school - Accelerate Cambridge
Cambridge news: Speechmatics aims to be best in speech recognition
Can artificial intelligence understand humor?
Can Peppa Pig really educate future generations
Can we trust voice activated technology?
Celebrating the milestone of language coverage for over half the world
Compliance breaches share price
Covid 19 accelerated voice technology
Creating a yes culture
Custom dictionary technical edit
Deep dive into deep tech
Detecting pattern speech
Digital Anarchy leverages Speechmatics speech recognition technology
Discovering applications of speech technology at Speechtek
Do you know what is actually happening in your contact center?
Double reason Spain celebrate Speechmatics release - Spanish language pack
Earth day 2022 voice technology and our environmental choices
Emerging trends for digital marketers to pay attention to
Emotion and voice the next goal for speech to text
Enrich media metadata media asset management software
Enterprise connect 2022 - How speech to text empowers contact centers
Expect new starter at Speechmatics
Fast and accurate GPU quantization for transformers
Forbes article finding voice
Four cities lot sichuan
Fully embeddable real time breakthrough speech recognition technology
Generating insights for broadcast video at BVE 2019
Giving educational content providers the best speech to text tools
Go swagger openapi specs and kubernetes custom controllers all at our Cambridge go meetup
Gpt 4 - how does it work?
Great improvements for Brazilian Portuguese and Canadian French ASR
Great Speechmatics treasure hunt
Guide providing ten tips better customer interactions
Hear me now - the future of voice and how its the new os
How accurate speech to text can boost revenue for adtech platforms
How AI is helping elevate contact centers
How automatic captioning can transform the way you consume media
How contact centers can improve customer experience using interaction history
How covid 19 affects transcription
How to accelerate compliance investigations using voice technology
How to accurately benchmark speech technology providers
How to differentiate your media and event captioning service
How to find true human connection through shared vulnerability
How to improve contact center agent performance using voice technology
How to improve contact center customer experience
How to introduce external language models in the rnnt
How to make virtual meetings accessible for all
How to rapidly train new languages using common voice and oscar
How to search voice recordings for compliance purposes
How to speed up your projects using the athens project
How to successfully achieve multinode training in PyTorch
How to tackle AI bias
How using voice technology for compliance monitoring impacts customer experience
How voice technology enables effective call routing to improve customer experience
IBC doing more with less
Improve customer agent experience
Improve digital asset management workflows
Improved understanding for Canadian French and Brazilian Portuguese
Improving customer satisfaction deliver better customer experiences
Innovating through adversity bringing the best out of humanity
Innovating with speech APIs
Instruture providing best automatic captioning education using Speechmatics technology
International womens day in tech: A Speechmatics spotlight
Introducing real time saas balancing accuracy with speed
Introducing real time translation breaking down language barriers
Introducing Ursa: The worlds most accurate speech to text
Investment funding as a statement of belief
Is artificial intelligence AI just a buzzword?
Its live its genuine and it really does work
Its not all about Disney in Orlando Florida
Its true! Teamwork does make the dream work
Japanese language launched world leading Speechmatics asr platform
Kao data shows how data centers can put sustainability first
Kao data to host Speechmatics HPC and AI supercomputer expanding deep
Learning about Prometheus at Speechmatics go meetup
Leverage sentiment analysis deliver better customer experience
Liquid Voice and Speechmatics expand partnership to minimize GDPR related risk and protect vulnerable customers
Liquid Voice first market industry leading contact center quality monitoring service using Speechmatics technology
Listen up Speechmatics attending IBC 2018
Machine learning build adapt speech to text languages
Machine learning is getting big part i
Machine learning is getting big part ii
Making broadcast captioning accessible with ASR
Making speech recognition real time NAB 2017
Manage digital assets - digital asset management software
Meet the CEO of Speechmatics
Mental health awareness week in tech understanding anxiety
Navigating business opportunities and pitfalls post pandemic
New real time container available transcription
Predicting post COVID 19 world
Preserve contact interaction history to improve customer experience
Product release April 2022 introducing entity formatting
Product release July 2022 introducing new features and language uplifts
Product release March 2023 uplifts in accuracy translation and automatic language ID
Product release November 2022 language coverage for over half the worlds population
Prosodica's Mariano Tan first hand account of speech to text in contact centers
Pumpkin carving and marshmallow toasting for Addenbrookes charitable trust
Q&A with Tom Wootton - a first hand account of speech to text in media captioning
Q&A with Udemy's Ellie Good, giving educational content providers the best speech to text tools
Q&A live sessions demo with Damir
Queen Elizabeth II - remembering an inspiring leader
Raconteur household name 2017
Recognizing rare words experiments with subword units
Red Bee Media creates live automatic subtitling system
Red Bee Media - part of Ericsson - partners with Speechmatics to make broadcasting more accessible
Red Bee Media partners with Speechmatics for new live automatic subtitling solution
Red Bee Media partners with Speechmatics to make broadcasting more accessible
Red Bee Media & Speechmatics partner on subtitling solution for social media
Red Bee Media to showcase real time live automatic captioning of the abcs 24 hour online news stream at NAB 2019 in partnership with Speechmatics
Reduce false positive alerts compliance
Reflections on 2021 - another extraordinary year
Regulatory compliance information governance
Reinventing the workplace culture to improve productivity
Revolutionizing voice for the financial sector
Road true equity speech recognition
Royal approval for Speechmatics
Sample efficiency industry
Scaling Cambridge
Screen systems achieves long held ambition live automatic captioning Speechmatics technology
Screen systems breaks the mould and makes subtitling accessible to the masses
Self supervised learning do believe the hype
Sentient machines improving customer care operations businesses using Speechmatics technology
Shaping the future of learning and development
Showcasing machine learning research at the ai Summit in New York
Showcasing the future of a voice revolution at MWC 2019
Silver linings
Solving problem accents speech recognition languages
Solving speech recognition accent gap global English
Speech recognition challenges overcome
Speech recognition software Speechmatics
Speech recognition the journey to continuously updating software
Speech technologies innovation showcase enterprise connect 2018
Speech technology in a global world reducing inequalities across languages
Speech technology wins first place Cambridge independents entrepreneurial science technology awards
Speechmatics 2 1 released
Speechmatics 2 2 released
Media Distribution & Captioning | Use Case
Speechmatics 3.0 released
Speechmatics 3.1 released
Speechmatics 3.2.1 released
Speechmatics adds 14 new languages to its offering
Speechmatics adds Chennai office as part of global expansion plans
Speechmatics and Daisee partner to protect businesses and mitigate risk
Speechmatics and Limecraft partner to help producers and distributors expand their target audiences
Speechmatics and Neuraswitch deliver CRM solution to intelligently understand conversations
Speechmatics and Puzzel partner to transform customer experiences
Speechmatics and Red Bee Media discuss subtitling perfection at IBC 2018
Speechmatics and Tedial partner to provide fully integrated mam with automatic speech recognition technology
Speechmatics and Vonage partner to offer real time transcription to customers
Speechmatics announce appointment of John Milliken as CEO
Speechmatics announces next language - Italian
Speechmatics announces partnership - Voicebase
Speechmatics announces Red Bee Media partnership and launches sounds feature at IBC
Speechmatics attend Huawei's Eco Connect Europe 2018 in Rome
Speechmatics attend the BBC Textav hack event in London
Speechmatics attend virtual workshop as part of the ING labs Brussels 2020 cohort
Speechmatics bolsters its world leading technology with real time SaaS API
Speechmatics brings advanced punctuation to IBC 2019
Speechmatics caps major growth with US expansion
Speechmatics closes growth funding round leading tech investors - Part 2
Speechmatics considerably better - concludes sydney Morning Herald, comparing cloud based transcription services
Speechmatics deliver French language capability - top Mont Ventoux Tour de France
Speechmatics deliver Hungarian language capability
Speechmatics enables clique to offer customers 74 languages for HD voice conferencing
Speechmatics expands global HQ - Cambridge science park
Speechmatics extends transcription offering with sounds feature
Speechmatics garden Addenbrookes charitable trust
Speechmatics global Spanish language pack
Speechmatics has a new cloud offering
Speechmatics has news for you
Speechmatics helps broadcasters get names right
Speechmatics high growth team year award
Speechmatics hosting Golang meetup
Speechmatics joins over 10,000 AI startups in the prestigious Nvidia
Speechmatics launches advanced punctuation to transform the usability of transcripts
Speechmatics launches automatic linguist a unique AI framework capable of learning new languages in a matter of days
Speechmatics launches custom dictionary
Speechmatics launches Czech Republic office
Speechmatics launches Genesys appfoundry
Speechmatics launches global English accent agnostic language pack speech text transcription
Speechmatics launches language identification feature
Speechmatics launches real time virtual appliance bring captioning market speed
Speechmatics now supports Romanian
Speechmatics Nuix partner enterprise ediscovery teams
Speechmatics one of UKs fastest growing technology companies
Speechmatics partners with ENCO to unlock accurate captioning of every voice
Speechmatics PersonalAI transform voice memories
Speechmatics pleased announce ground breaking language creation technology
Speechmatics Prosodica customer experiences
Speechmatics raises millions to fund global expansion
Speechmatics raises $62m to understand every voice globally
Speechmatics ranked fastest growing company - Deloitte 2016 technology fast 500 EMEA list
Speechmatics ready support mifid ii compliance
Speechmatics release Dutch language capability
Speechmatics release Finnish language capability
Speechmatics release Greek
Speechmatics release Polish
Speechmatics release Portuguese and coincide Rio hosting greatest sporting tournament world
Speechmatics releases Australian English in time for England's RFU tour
Speechmatics releases Russian language support
Speechmatics runner ups collision 2015
Speechmatics secures place in ING labs Brussels 2020 cohort
Speechmatics shown worlds accurate speech engine
Speechmatics significantly enhances accuracy of AI speech to text
Speechmatics supercharges machine learning capabilities with Nvidia AI
Speechmatics tackles one of machine learnings biggest challenges
Speechmatics take French alps
Speechmatics takes language accuracy to the next level
Speechmatics to launch pioneering real time speech translation capabilities
Speechmatics to showcase speech recognition powered MAM solutions at NAB 2019
Speechmatics unlocks accurate understanding of financial terms
Speechmatics unveils universal time alignment system
Speechmatics Veritone secure transcription
Speechmatics win two national business awards for innovation and growth
Speechmatics wins scale up team of the year one to watch at UK business
Speed up dispute resolution improve customer experience
Spooky month - Speechmatics
Subtitling captioning and artificial intelligence
Swedish released on Speechmatics ASR platform
System architecture at Speechmatics
Take non techie deep technology company
Talking AI at London Tech Week 2019
Talking vs typing future hold speech
Taming the deep learning beast hands on with PyTorch
Teaching children clone wars at chypps youth group
The future of word error rate
The importance of languages for speech recognition
The language of romance
The problem with word error rate (WER)
The register article
The return of hackamatics
The role of digital assistants in business environments
The surprising effects of emotion in speech to text technology
The times article
These companies are shrinking the voice recognition accent gap
Timing operations in PyTorch
Tony Robinson Reworked - l
Top tips succeeding hyped market
Ubisoft owned game Brawlhalla pushes industry benchmark on accessibility with Speechmatics
UK becoming isolated when need to find new trading partners at premium
Ultimate guide speech to text software
Understanding children's voices how voice to text assists elearning
Understanding every voice the aim of Speechmatics
Unlocking power machine learning
Ursa scaling up as a solution to domain generalization
Use assistive AI to improve call centre experience
Voice report 2022 a groundbreaking year for voice technology
Voice search revolution will change way business
Voice technology automate compliance workflows
Voice technology best practices improve customer experience
Voice technology covid 19 product roadmap
Voice technology csat scores
Voice technology improve customer satisfaction
Voice technology improves customer satisfaction
We are not there yet growth mindset in fast growth tech
Wearables can I wear - voice technology
We're stronger together - Speechmatics flock 2019
What does the AI bill of rights mean for tech companies
What does the future hold for automatic speech recognition
What happens in Vegas, doesnt stay in vegas
What it takes to be a scrum master at Speechmatics
What makes up your voice understanding the best speech to text
What value is held in voice data for call centers
What3words launches seamless app voice entry on apple watch
What3words Speechmatics partnered people enter what3words address by voice
What's in a name?
What's in a trademark?
What's in an abbreviation?
What's in an accent?
What's in an acronym?
When in New York...
Whisper deep dive and the future of AI
Why is it difficult to access and fully leverage voice data?
Why is punctuation important in speech recognition?
Why is Siri and Alexa so good but my automatic captions so bad?
Why research and development will always be crucial
Will digital regulations unlock innovation?
Winners discovering start ups showcase best UK wireless innovation
Work work work - lots of fun
Workplace diversity without direction is rudderless
Year powered voice CES 2018
Youtube's captions represent the dire need for speech to text innovation
Zero ASR - 3 simple steps
Careers roles
AI and big data expo
AI Summit and IoT World 2022
AI Summit London
AI Summit London 2022
AI Summit New York 2022
AI Summit Silicon Valley 2021
Ai4 Finance 2022
AI and Big Data Expo 2022
Call and contact center expo 2022
Call and contact center expo
Cambridge Tech Week 2023
Cambridge University virtual careers fair 2022
CES 2022
Developing Inclusive Educational Practice Webinar
Discover our new product features
Educause annual conference
Enterprise connect23
EnterpriseConnect 2022
Fintech connect 2022
Fintech World Forum 22
IBC 2022
Linkedin live: 3Play Media
Linkedin live: ENCO
Linkedin live: Prosodica
Linkedin live: Red Bee Media
Linkedin live: Ubisoft
Linkedin live: Udemy
Linkedin live: Veritone
Mobile world congress 2022
MWC 2022
NAB 2022
NAB 2023
Product Features Webinar 2022
Project Voice 2022
Satis 2022
Sportspro ott summit 2022
The Media Production & Technology Show 2023
Times Tech summit
Trends for AI and Speech in 2021
UCL Speech Science Forum
UK Speech 2022
University of Cambridge recruitment fair 2022
Voice Summit 2022
Webinar Our New Product Features
Partnerships - become a partner
Partnerships marketplace
Thought leadership
Cookie policy
Privacy Policy
Terms of Service
Terms of Website
Product Case studies
3Play Media
AI Media
Broadcast Bionics
Digital Anarchy
Jolly Roger Telephone
Liquid Voice
Red Bee Media
Screen Systems
Sentient Machines
Transcribe Me
Vail Systems - Prosodica
Diversity inclusion
Features and deployments
How we compare: Speechmatics vs Google
Use cases
Contact center solutions
Media and event captioning services
Media monitoring
Meeting platforms
Unified communications
Video distribution platforms
Speechmatics presents icassp
How we compare: Speechmatics vs AssemblyAI
Our Blog
LinkedIn Live: SyncWords’ Giovanni Galves on Translating for Global Audiences
Our Highlights from the AI Summit of 2023
Contact Centers rely on the best ASR - why are you settling for less?
AI Summit New York 2023
Going Beyond Speech-To-Text: Introducing Summarization to our API
Interspeech 2023
IBC 2023
Thought leadership items
How we compare: Speechmatics vs Deepgram
Revolutionize Media Content, Meetings, and Podcasts with Speechmatics' Summarization
Closed Captioning vs Open Captioning in Media Distribution
Kaltura Connect Education Track
Leveraging Large Language Models to Transform Your Business
Caption Chaos | Hilarious Times Captions Got It Wrong
Tools On Air | Case Study
DeepMind and Tessian alumni join Speechmatics leadership team
CCW Europe Summit
Sentiment Analysis has arrived - and we're feeling good
CCW Europe Digital
Captions: A Window To The World
Limecraft partners with Speechmatics to utilize AI and generate transcripts
GlobalLink NEXT
FIBEP World Media Intelligence Congress 2023
World Inclusion Day 2023: The Promise for Speech Recognition
Foundational speech technology for the AI era
The Rising Power of Speech Intelligence in the Contact Center Evolution
The Future of Media: ASR and Speech Intelligence
Building Speech Intelligence on Solid Foundations
Actions, not words. Making Speech Technology useful.
Introducing: the.Shed
Speech Intelligence - Upgrade Your ASR
Transforming the spoken word into written chapters
Speechmatics strengthen US presence with new Bay Area office
Speak To Sales
Economics, Philosophy and Pimple Popping? Topics launches on Speechmatics.
Understanding Persian - Bringing a new language to Speechmatics
CES Events
Real-Time Technology
How Key IVR uses speech technology to create a seamless user experience
FIBEP Tech Day 2024
IBC 2024
Future of Customer Contact Conference
Mobile World Congress
The Transformative Advantages of Real-Time Speech Technology
Real-Time Speech Technology: Elevating Communication with High-Value Use Cases
Our visuals have changed, but our mission has not.
Speechmatics teams up with Recall.ai to power transcription of online meetings in real-time
Audio Events – a step into understanding more than words
AI-labelled Audio Events
Deepgram alternative
SpeechTech Summit
Summaries and Sentiment in real-time
Gain insight from every past customer call
Creating voice interactions with AI digital replicas
Flow - the ultimate API for seamless voice interactions
Passing the Turing test with speech
Introducing Flow
Speechmatics' real-time ASR now on NVIDIA Holoscan for media