Blog - Use Cases
Aug 12, 2020 | Read time 4 min

How call center automation improves customer experience

Call center automation is improving customer experience by offloading low-skilled, high-volume tasks from agents so that they can focus on the customer.

Call center automation is improving customer experience by offloading low-skilled, high-volume tasks from agents so that they can focus on adding value where only humans can.

The business benefits of good customer experience

Customer experience is an important factor in almost three-quarters of purchasing decisions, according to research from PwC. The payoffs for valued, great experiences are tangible – up to a 16% price premium on products and services, plus increased loyalty.

In return, there’s a sharp increase in willingness to give up personal data – 63% of those surveyed said they’d share more information with a company that offers a great experience

Speed, convenience, helpful employees and friendly service matter most, according to PwC, each hitting over 70% in importance to consumers. The research revealed that those who get it right prioritize technologies that foster or provide these benefits over adopting technology for the sake of being cutting edge.

How automation can improve contact center customer experience

The number of customer service interactions businesses need to process is growing all the time. And contact center agents' time is valuable, so optimizing it to focus on addressing key customer issues is an ongoing challenge.

Technology can help manage the load – call center automation enables organizations to use their resources more efficiently while providing better customer service. It allows companies to handle complex queries without the need for a human agent – or at least minimize their involvement.

The crucial role of voice technology in call center automation

Contact centers use voice technology to save agent time by accelerating issues to a single exchange, or by relieving agents of low-skilled, high-volume tasks such as processing payments or password resets.

When an agent is required to process a payment securely, customers can be redirected to a synthetic agent. The synthetic agent can securely capture and process the customer payment while remaining 100% compliant. This method saves agent time and eliminates human error.

Previously, contact center agents paused recordings to prevent personal data being captured. Integrating automated tools such as voice technology provides a more secure capture capability from a compliance point of view. This improves the customer experience by not accidentally recording and saving customers' personal data which could then be at risk of a data breach. It also means a faster contact center customer experience, so everyone benefits.

Conclusion: Voice technology is key for call center automation to improve customer experience

Call center automation using voice technology enables more efficient use of agents' time – freeing them up from time-consuming, routine tasks and allowing them to use their skills to solve more complex customer issues. Even at busy times, customer calls can be dealt with faster and more accurately – improving the overall contact center customer experience and providing a valuable differentiator in a competitive marketplace.