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Sep 23, 2019 | Read time 1 min

Speechmatics brings Advanced Punctuation to IBC 2019

The Speechmatics showcased the recently launched Advanced Punctuation feature for use in speech-to-text transcription at IBC 2019.

The largest media show in Europe Last week, the Speechmatics team were in Amsterdam for IBC 2019. IBC is the world’s most influential media, entertainment and technology show attracting over 57,000 attendees and 1,700 exhibitors.

Feature-rich speech technology This year, Speechmatics showcased the recently launched Advanced Punctuation feature for use in speech-to-text transcription. The feature delivers highly accurate placements of full stops, commas, question marks and exclamation marks, enhancing the usability, readability and accuracy of transcripts. Take a look at how it works below.

Speechmatics also demonstrated Custom Dictionary and Sounds Feature. These features support broadcasters by further improving the accuracy of transcripts by enabling users to define the context of a conversation in advance by inputting brand names, place names, acronyms etc. ahead of time, so when these difficult terms come up, they are transcribed without error. Speechmatics’ partner integrations It was fantastic to see so many partners at the show, all of which have integrated the Speechmatics speech technology within the core of their media solutions to provide greater access to their customers. This is done through providing raw transcripts which are used for subtitling, editing, archiving, searching and much more. Some of the partners included Dalet, Red Bee Media, Tedial Media IT and Limecraft. Videos from the show can be found on our YouTube channel.

James Page, Product Owner at Speechmatics said,

“Showcasing Advanced Punctuation at IBC 2019 has gone down really well with the broadcast and media professionals attending the show. It was really rewarding to hear from users how the feature helps to enhance the readability and usability of transcripts. Seeing it being used in Red Bee Media’s live captioning of the IBC TV feed was a personal highlight. The feature is a huge productivity benefit for Red Bee Media and Limecraft as it helps to reduce time editing transcripts. “People who came to our stand to see our technology in action were wowed by the enhanced punctuation characters and the accuracy of their placement. They were also astonished at our language capabilities and stunned at the accuracy of the demo. “It’s been a pleasure powering so many of our partners at IBC Show this year and seeing them win awards for their technologies is a real testament to both parties.”