LinkedIn Live with Ubisoft: Is Gaming Truly for Everyone?
Join the Speechmatics team and guests Ubisoft to discuss the importance of making games more accessible through real-time subtitling and why amplifying the voices of those advocating for better gaming experiences is important for the gaming industry.
Thursday, 23 February 2023
16:30 - 17:30 GMT
LinkedIn Live
Ricardo Herreros-SymonsVP Corporate Development & Partnerships
Mateo PalfremanDirector, Blue Mammoth Games | Ubisoft
Game technology has evolved rapidly in popularity over the years, especially live streaming. This growth in popularity has meant that practices such as subtitling are needed more than ever to help improve gameplay, ensuring your content is accessible as possible for all audiences. Some live streams only provide as little as three lines of subtitles, in small font and do not consider average reading speed.
Join the Speechmatics team and guests Ubisoft to discuss the importance of making games more accessible through real-time subtitling and why amplifying the voices of those advocating for better gaming experiences is important for the gaming industry.