Blog - Use Cases
Jan 5, 2023 | Read time 3 min

4 Easy Wins to Improve Your Transcription Tools

Transcription Experts, Erfan Mohammadi and Nicolas Sierra-Ramirez, guide you through how great speech-to-text can offer easy wins to improving your Transcription Tools.
Erfan MohammadiAccount Executive
Nicolas Sierra-RamirezAccount Executive

Whether your clients are journalists or students, broadcasters or bankers, those offering Transcription Tools need the most accurate and efficient speech-to-text available to increase the return on their investment. Fast industry growth means it’s no longer an option to rely on solutions that need expensive and time-consuming human intervention. AI-based solutions are the only viable future.

Here are four great ways to improve your Transcription Tools, differentiate in market, and stay ahead of your competition.

Switch to AI

The cost of human transcription has always been prohibitively expensive, even when looked at on a small-scale. With companies charging up to $100 per hour, some individuals choose not to use Transcription Tools, but instead fall back on their own transcription skills, which can lead to hours of valuable time wasted. AI-led transcription, however, can reduce costs to less than 1% of the equivalent human service.

Speechmatics speech-to-text is designed to reduce the need for human-aided transcription to zero. By offering accuracy levels above our competitors – and aided by time-saving features like Advanced Punctuation – there’s never been a more comprehensive way to transcribe spoken words, whether your needs are individual, or at an enterprise level.

Get Real-Time

Historically, transcription services have catered more towards turning recorded files into text output. Now, due to the need for increased accessibility, real-time transcription has become much more commonplace. One specific use-case is court reporting and legal transcription. To make your Transcription Tools service as attractive as possible, you’ll need to service both.

Speechmatics process speech-to-text accurately and with speed, making it perfect for live transcription situations. If batch transcription remains your number one priority, rest assured we can return an hour-long file in under five minutes.

Offer a Global Solution

In both a global market and an age of increased accessibility, it’s business critical to expand the number of languages and accents your speech-to-text offering can understand. By making your service more inclusive you give your Transcription Tools a clear advantage over competitors and an obvious and attractive differentiation point to prospective clients.

As well as offering 50 languages and counting, Speechmatics provide fantastic coverage for accents and dialects. Through decades of continuous innovation in machine learning – with a focus on inclusion and accuracy – we continue to retain our superior position in the market.

Meet the Features

From Speaker Diarization for journalists, to Entity Formatting for those in the world of finance, if there’s a speech-to-text feature that can serve a specific business use-case, we’ll have it covered (or we’ll be working on it). Other features great for transcription include our Custom Dictionary and Profanity Tagging, while our Confidence Scoring indicates how accurate the transcription is, on a word-by-word basis.

We’re currently working on a host of great features for the future. By choosing Speechmatics as your speech-to-text provider, you’re not only ready for today but prepared for tomorrow.

Make the Right Move Today

At Speechmatics, we believe accuracy is the way to produce quality and efficient transcription. It’s why we deliver best-in-class automatic speech-to-text at scale and at a low cost in as many languages as possible. Get in touch to learn how you can differentiate your Transcription Tools and stand out from the crowd.

Erfan Mohammadi and Nicolas Sierra-Ramirez – Transcription Tools Experts

Book a meeting today with a specialist and we’ll support you in differentiating your Transcription Tools in market, and help you deliver on constantly evolving customer expectations.