Blog - News
Jul 25, 2017 | Read time 2 min

Liquid Voice is first to market with industry-leading contact centre quality monitoring service using Speechmatics technology

For any company dealing with high volumes of customer interactions, cost has always been a crucial decision-making factor. Traditional automated systems have always been cheaper in the long run than manually operated systems, but they have often been extremely limited, as they are unable to accurately understand the tone and moods of customers. This significantly impair the customer experience.

In addition, while customer service agents offer a more personalized approach, they are frequently criticized for lacking the skill sets and authority required to solve most customer problems.

Both small and large companies are now looking to improve the service they provide, while enhancing the customer experience by analyzing interactions. This is achieved by searching for keywords to identify what makes a good call from the customer’s perspective. Organisations are also facing increased compliance regulation and must ensure the data security of all recordings. Liquid Voice is a leading provider of interaction recording, quality management and analytics with a diverse range of contact centre, enterprise and SME customers. This innovative company was one of the first to identify the large market for analytics and interaction management solutions using speech recognition technology.

It was important to the company that any solution would provide high quality automatic speech-to-text transcriptions and integrate fully with the Liquid Voice platform to enable contact centres and control rooms to locate and replay stored recordings for a wide range of applications, including dispute resolution, compliance, quality management and event reconstruction.

Having tested the technology available for automatic speech recognition (ASR) transcription, Liquid Voice highlighted Speechmatics as the best in terms of quality, price, accuracy and speed. Liquid Voice has now launched a ground-breaking complete solution, integrating Speechmatics ASR technology, to enable recordings to be searched for any word or phrase. This allows the results to be viewed in seconds, avoiding the limitations of traditional phonetic-based systems.

Speechmatics technology enhances the Liquid Voice solution by making content easily discoverable. Search results are ranked by relevance and displayed as text summaries with search words automatically highlighted. This provides greater granularity and more detailed contextual insights into interactions across multiple channels.

“We are very excited about being Speechmatics’ first partner to integrate this new ASR release. The full solution has been successfully tested against similar technologies and delivers world-beating levels of accuracy, making it a viable solution for organisations of every size to enhance the customer experience whilst achieving a rapid ROI. The system will also help organisations to comply with the stringent GDPR standards that become mandatory in May 2018”,

says Andrew Barrett, Technical Director of Liquid Voice.

“Partnering with Speechmatics is enabling us to extend our market leadership. Available as part of complete Liquid Voice solution, or as a stand-alone application for use with any of the market’s other leading interaction recording brands, [this product] will revolutionise the way that contact centres can use speech technologies to improve customer satisfaction at every touchpoint”,

says Chris Berry, Managing Director of Liquid Voice (UK).