Product - Real-Time

Astonishingly accurate ASR is here. In real-time.

What are you waiting for?

Precise, low-latency transcription, translation and speech capabilities, all delivered before your media even ends.

Why wait, when you can deliver incredible features now?

Live. Instant. Real-time.

Whatever you call it, you can have it. Build a new world of features and insight on top of live speech, and blow your customers' minds.


Instant transcription without compromise

Accurate transcription in real-time doesn't mean you lose out on functionality

Precise, low-latency transcription, translation and speech capabilities, all delivered before your media even ends.

All languages

Every supported language available in real-time, including all new ones.

All deployments

Cloud and on-prem deployments both supported. Live transcription with no loss of security.

All key features

Speaker diarization, custom dictionary, word timings and more, all supported. This is real-time transcription without compromise.

Value without the wait

Provide insight, assistance and understanding, to the user immediately, without waiting until the end of the audio.

Instant without losing accuracy

The huge trade-off between accuracy and speed no longer exists - any workflow built on real-time transcription will be based on rock solid foundations.

Speech Intelligence in real-time

With breakthroughs in LLMs and our speech capabilities, you can stack AI-powered insight and value on top of your transcript, without the wait.

Hit the perfect balance between speed and accuracy

Customizable latency to suit your needs

Get transcription back fast, within <1s, with a customizable delay between 2s and 10s of when to finalize the prediction.

This gives you control to deliver the required speed and accuracy.

Hit the perfect balance
Even at low latency

Outperforming the competition, even at low-latency

Receive transcripts in a few hundred milliseconds through our partial transcription.

We compared our fastest real-time transcription to our competitors’ most accurate.

Our real-time transcription was 45% better than Amazon, 28% better than Google, and 14% better than Microsoft.

Low-quality, noisy audio? We hear you

Our real-time models go through rigorous testing, reflecting real-world, noisy environments.

In our tests, designed to mimic a train station, a pub, a football match, and a contact center, our word error rate (WER) is uniformly low, and uniformly lower than competitor providers.

Low-quality noise - no problem
Real-Time Languages

Real-time translation in 35 languages

Transcribe and translate over half the world’s population, in real-time.

From Bulgarian, to German, and even Vietnamese, we break down language barriers so you can bring your product to the largest possible audience.

Still not sold? Try our real-time English model and see for yourself...

Click the 'Start Transcribing' button below, and speak into your mic.

What are you waiting for?

Take a step towards seamless interaction with technology. Build Speech Intelligence with live speech data.


How much does real-time transcription cost?

We charge per second for transcription - for a more detailed breakdown please visit our dedicated pricing page.

How quickly will I get my transcription back?

You can start receiving transcription in under a few hundred milliseconds after the words are spoken through our partial transcription.

As more words are spoken, we use the context to correct ambiguous words until we give our final best transcription. These finals can be returned within 2 seconds, depending on the accuracy vs latency requirements.

How can you get real-time accuracy so close to the accuracy of transcribing a file?

At the core, the machine learning models we use are identical for batch file transcription and real-time.

This means that you get our best accuracy transcription in both modes. The small accuracy impact at lower latencies in real-time (<4s) comes due to having less context from the speaker.

How many speakers can be identified in real-time?

By default, we can identify up to 50 speakers in a real-time stream. This can be increased to 100 speakers.

What’s the longest stream time you support?

We can support streams over 24 hours long!

Stream duration is effectively unlimited - in fact we've had customers with streams running for over a month.

How many concurrent real-time connections can I have?

If you sign up through our portal you get two concurrent real-time connections on the free usage tier.

On our 'Pay As You Grow' tier you can use ten concurrent streams, and for our 'Enterprise' customers we support as many connections as you require.