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Jul 26, 2019 | Read time 2 min

Reinventing the Workplace Culture to Improve Productivity

Speechmatics’ CEO, John Milliken spoke in a podcast addressing the importance of company culture and how it can help to improve employee productivity.

Speechmatics’ CEO, John Milliken, was recently involved in a Podcast from BT hosted by Kate Russell, the star of the BBC’s tech show, Click.

The podcast addresses the importance of company culture and how it can help to improve employee productivity.

In this episode, John discussed:
  • Ways to manage the work-life balance of the always-on employee

  • Why a positive workplace culture encourages people to get more done

  • Tips and technology to help SMEs be more productive

The way that organisations work has changed massively in recent years. Many cutting-edge SMEs now create modern workplaces and cultures to help them become more productive by giving employees a more enriched work-life balance. The rise of mobile and cloud storage means that it is no longer a necessity to be in the office to get work done. This podcast addresses how to introduce flexible working, why culture matters and the role of tech in making this happen.

John addresses flexible working at Speechmatics by stating:

“I find with our workforce, particularly with the millennials, that they have a very long working day, but they like to dip in and out. They want to do stuff during the day. For example, we have showers so that people can cycle in, but more often than not they want to go rowing or running in the day and then come back to work… They can fit their work around life rather than the other way around.”

When asked about benefits, John remarks:

“Benefits are a necessary part of modern office working environment. People expect that stuff. We’re in a very competitive environment in Cambridge, all of the big tech firms are there: Google, Apple, Microsoft, you name it. We have to work hard to attract and retain. For us, benefits start with: are we clear about how much you’re going to get paid? Are we clear about what your pension is? Are we clear about how you’re going to earn a bonus and share options?” 

It’s an important observation to make and even more important to recognise your employees as your greatest asset. As the People Manager at Speechmatics, I’ve found that promoting a great culture by giving employees the freedom and flexibility to work at their best is essential to produce the output we require to succeed.

Listen to the full podcast here.

Ben Faulkner, Speechmatics